Call Me Pretty
Call Me Pretty Weight Loss
Oh my!!! What an ordeal. I put on 15 pounds and
I don't know how it happened!

I turned 43 and could no longer control my weight. I tried cutting out sugar, white bread and white rice from my diet. That worked for a little while, but I always felt deprived. Of course, I did not stick to it and I gained the weight back. I am only 5'2" tall with very small bones. Each time I went to the doctor, I had gained more weight than the time before. When I finally got to 138 pounds on the doctor's office scale, I said, "That's it!"

Each person has to do what works for them, so I chose Weight Watchers because I realized I simply ate too much and too many of the wrong things. I realized that because I was always so thin and could eat whatever I wanted I didn't know how to eat. I know this sounds crazy but I needed to re-learn how to eat.

I joined Weight Watchers and within 13 week's time by, faithfully sticking to the program, I had achieved my goal weight of 125 pounds. I am currently maintaining that weight and I have achieved Lifetime Membership. Yeah! Lifetime Membership is achieved by keeping your weight within 2 pounds of your goal weight for 6 weeks. From that point on, you never have to pay for meetings as long as you weigh in at least once a month and stay within the 2 pound weight gain requirement. For me that means that I cannot be more than 127 pounds at any once a month weigh in.

You also have to remember that losing weight is a change in your lifestyle. You have to be willing to keep these eating habits daily. Pretty soon it just becomes a way of life. The good thing is that you can eat whatever you want. Just stay within the program guidelines that you have chosen. You don’t even have to buy their food. This is the best eating program around and you really lose the weight. Nothing else has ever worked for me like weight watchers. I highly recommend it.

If you are not that disciplined and need something a little more basic to fit your lifestyle, try Herbalife. Herbalife has an awesome weight loss program that is really simple to use. This program consists of drinking at least 2 of their shakes per day, for instance one at breakfast and one at dinner, and then eating a sensible lunch. Lunch may consist of a protein like lean chicken plus brown rice, vegetables or salad with wheat bread or a roll. For liquid, you can drink water or iced tea. You really need to give up sodas. They just add a ton of extra calories.

You also take Herbalife vitamins in the morning and evening, and drink a hunger-reducing tea. You should add sensible snacks throughout the day like carrots, an apple, a few baked crackers, almonds, or low calorie protein bars. Being very faithful and sticking to this program, you will notice that you are losing pounds and inches within a few weeks.

Herbalife, like the Weight Watchers Program, is easy to follow and you never feel deprived. You are just making wiser food choices!

You should always consult your physician first, but you have to start an exercise program.  I try to do things that are fun and that I know that I will stick with. I have a three pound hoola hoop that I use for thirty minutes at a time three to five times a week. (See My Favorites to find out more about this product.) On weekends I walk up and down 164 stairs six times, then do a one mile walk. I use a resistance cord to exercise my legs and arms. I also have a few other exercise machines that I also can use in my home. Again you need to do something that is fun, easy to use and convenient. I also park in the farthest parking areas when I shop so I have to walk. The bottom line is you have to do something to move your body, especially as you get older.

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